MTU. Testing BIB1 and BOB1 electronic board with our exclusive testing tool

Some weeks ago I promised you to share a video where we can see how we test all the electronic steps of different input / outputs PCB´s used in MTU electronic systems. Since the MCS-5 electronic system appeared on the market, we can see a lot of these boards with different functions installed on various MTU electronic systems, always installed and working on a PIM unit, LOP´s, GCU´s, etc.

In this video you can see one example using a common model of BIB unit, used as binary input for data adquisition in that electronic format.
We designed our own tool to test all the different channels and see if unit works 100%. If we detect that some channel is failing, then we can start troubleshooting on that line to repair it.We connect our PC to go through a menu where we can select the board to test and repair, after selection we can go individually by channels or do a full test automatically.
This is exclusive tool we developed to be more accurate and fast with repairs on this type of boards.


In this second case, the video shows also a special board we designed to monitor the status of the outputs of each channel from original BOB1, which use relay outputs.
We manufactured one board to interconnect a real load on each relay output, then you can see how through LED´s each channel is switching on or off.

After these 2 examples you can imagine how useful is this tool for people like us who have to face electronic problems every day to PCB component level.
Don´t forget these boards are usually multilayer PCB and we have only showed you BIB1 and BOB1, but there are other versions and boards with different functions which we can also test and repair, as INB2, IIB1, etc…

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