MTU. BlueLine system: ROS-7, electronic control lever damaged by water ingress

Sometimes people think there are not more options than buying a new device, but they are wrong.
Look this ROS7 received from a customer based in Greece, not good looking… but we have repaired crazy problems at wet and burnt PCB’s like this.
Important to have a way to check all functionality of the device after repairing it, for this we have our own system simulators, as a complete BlueLine system installation.

In this case an important device ROS7 (control lever) on the yacht.
You have to be carefully on how you protect your levers at open stations as fly bridge.
The water caused an important explosion on the pcb causing a hole near the connector pins.
At RESTORETRONIC we are experts on problems like this and could fix this problem and give it a second chance.
Always we try to do our best to fix it.

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